How does Alzheimer's disease begin? | Health and Beauty Saraya Press Agency


A recent study on Alzheimer's disease found a way to know where and when the disease was born.

The study by Southwest University Medical Center at the University of Texas, Texas, and published in eLife, In the brain, the brain is formed by contractions of Tau proteins that become "destructive" to its neurons.

These proteins were previously considered not dangerous in themselves, but their clots are dangerous

. The & # 39; point of departure & # 39; of the disease.

According to them, it is the moment when the healthy proteins of Tao turn into poisonous, and before they form deadly "entanglements". At this point, it is possible to observe the molecular changes in TAO protein structure, which then begin to attach a problem of toxic entanglements causing neuronal damage.

Researchers will be able to develop new methods of diagnosing and detecting the disease as soon as it appears. Symptoms Researchers believe that it is possible to "fix" Tao proteins, to prevent adhesion, which at least helps slow the progression of the disease. The results of the study will help to create a drug that prevents the "entanglements" of these proteins.

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