How many users have paid around the world to buy apps on iPhone and Android?


Sensor Tower revealed that the profits of the Apple Store Store reached $ 22.6 billion in the first half of this year, up 26.8% over the previous year, to $ 17.8 billion, Google's "Play Store" to $ 11.8 billion, an increase of 29.7% over last year, which was $ 9.1 billion.

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<p dir= Given these numbers, the profits of Apple's stores are twice as high as those of Google, although the number of Android phone users is much higher than that of the users of Google. IPhone, but application developers on the iOS system earns much more profit than their Android counterparts, due to the nature of the store and users and the quality of existing apps.

But despite the superiority of the Apple store to make profits, the Android store exceeds the number of applications load, Both merchants, where the number of times downloaded applications from Google Play to about 36 billion times Up from 10.6% compared with the first half of last year, the number of application downloads on the Apple Store was 15 billion, up 13.1% over the first half of last year.

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