I do not know the quality of festival prices and I do not like judging movies – Shorouk Online


The head of the Arab Film Festival long film jury, Marzak Alwash, revealed that he did not know the quality of the awards that would be given by the festival, which raised many questions about how whose province treated the members.
All those who participated in the seminar questioned the purpose of the organization, as the jury members were bound by the duty of reserve, but Merzak Allouache spontaneously removed from this format and asked why the film Sofia Gamma was absent from the festival. He questioned the reasons for the exclusion
For his part, Moroccan jury member Amal Ayouch explained why the festival's artistic director or his representative was absent from the selection of films.
In another context, Merzak Allawash said that he did not like to arbitrate and evaluate other people's movies. Alwash added on the sidelines of his seminar that he prefers the film that motivates his feelings, so this aspect is an important criterion in the nomination of the film to win
. The seminar organizers emphasized that the criteria for 39; evaluation of a movie vary from one member to the other. Each of them for the film and the angle that he sees through, where the Egyptian M He pointed out the difficulties faced by the members of the committee, as well as the film industry in the Arab world is already experiencing difficulties in terms of funding and wonders if the film will show you if In turn, the Moroccan Amal Ayouch stressed that the important is the subject addressed in the work and the way in which it is treated, not just the image or lighting, but the story is an important criterion for selecting a job in the same context. The emphasis in this case is SICO (19659002)! Function (e, t, n, c, o, a and f) {e.fbq || (o = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod? o.callMethod.apply (o, arguments): o.queue.push (arguments)}, e._fbq || (e._fbq = o), opush = o, o.loaded =! 0, o.version = "2.0", o.queue = [] (a = t.createElement (n)). Async =! 0, a.src = "https: // connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js ", fbq (" init "," 406066929726292 "), fbq (" track "), fnq (" "," PageView "); [ad_2]
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