I have been in a crisis for 20 years, so I opened a meal plan at my home.


Video – Samah Anwar: I have been in a crisis for 20 years .. So I opened a meal plan at my home. Video: Samah Anwar: I have been in crisis for 20 years .. So I opened a meal sale project at my home, we send you our visitors. Meal of my house

Journal of Al-Mutasar The actress Samah Anwar talked about her artistic career and she presented it "She made about 38 films, 12 series and 3 pieces of theater, but because of the conditions of her illness, she has long since left the world of art. "

Samah Anwar explained that she was encountering many obstacles in the art world,

Samah Anwar says that because of the obstacles that she has encountered in the world From the art, she decided to learn how to prepare the dishes of the largest cooking school of Paris, so that she is not without work. , And became a very skilled chef, and set up a project to prepare meals from home, and sold and shopped through

during her stay as a guest at the DMC evening with Osama Kamal, she added that she was playing the role of a French-Egyptian woman residing in the Sheikh Zayed area and was answering the mobile to receive customer requests for meals that she was following. She also wanted to submit a request for food preparation, food secrets and recipes.

Samah Anwar spoke of her suffering from the incident that she had been suffering for years, which prevented her for 11 years from undergoing 42 surgeries in the United States and elsewhere. She relied on her alone and graduated from her house Wheelchairs and all supplies, because the streets in the United States are eligible for the disabled, which she liked, but when she returned to Egypt, I felt the real paralysis, as he described it, of the loss of streets for these people unable to walk

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The Al-Mukhtasar newspaper, by video – Samah Anwar: I've been in crisis for 20 years So I opened a meal plan at my home Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news .

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