I worried about the fall of "Sk on your sisters" … and went back to the movies with a bomb


Ali Rabie: I'm worried about the fall of "Sak on your sisters" … And at the movies with the bomb of the Charter, quoting the sunrise gate, we're releasing you in the spring: J & Was worried about Sak falling on your sisters.

The Charter revealed the comedian Ali Rabie, the author of the film, and his wife, a member of the theater group "Egypt Theater", about the amount of effort to turn the series " Sk about your sisters, "explaining that he intends to return to the screen, with the movie" The bomb breaks the world. " "When meeting with the program" Happening in Egypt, "the announcer said on the channel" mbc Egypt "on Thursday night that he feared that the series did not occupy an important place among the other series because of the number of stars participating in the Ramadan season., Explaining that the work took about 4 months, so that the series appears in the appropriate form.

It was mentioned that all the participants of the series helped him in making comedy during filming, in a complex: "The series was a large aviary, the sound engineer and the dialects corrected and many others m & # 39;

He went on: "Concerns about competition in the stars and the remains of Ayes are among the first and a regular series of discussions, and I was afraid that my colleagues from the Mayhosush series reach who they were in. "

There is a huge difference between playing on stage at the Theater of Egypt and appearing on the screens of cinema and television: "Every time, I feel like the first time like that."

He pointed out that he was continually following the public's opinions during the show, whether online or on the street, adding that he preferred to go to crowded places, to measure the success of the series.

The series "Sk on your brothers", and the participant in the dramatic season of the month of Ramadan, the artists with Ali Rabie and Salah Abdullah, and here Zahid, Salwa Khattab, Sabri Fawaz, and written by Karim Fahmi, directed by Wael Ihsan. ] Thank you for following us and we always promise to provide all that is better .. The news transfer of all news sources and facilitate their reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. Greetings with the Family Charter website.
The Charter, Ali Rabie: I was worried about the fall of "sk on your sisters" … and returned to the movie bomb, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news permanently.

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