Ibrahim Abdel Meguid and "Anna and the cinema" at the Goethe-Institut .. Learn the details


In collaboration with the Goethe-Institut, the Amon network organizes a symposium on the book "I and the Cinema" by the great Egyptian writer Ibrahim Abdel Majid, under the direction of Dr. Salma Mubarak, film critic Issam Zakaria.

The book "I and the Cinema" includes articles written by Ibrahim Abdul Majid and published in newspapers The book is included in the type of writings of the audience where Ibrahim Abdel Majeed tells his biography of the cinema from the 1950s to the recent years Through memories mingled with them For the year The childhood memories and theatrical stories with their diplomas, their public, their atmosphere, their streets and their films, in a chronicle of the city with cinematographic and literary scenes. The book "I and the Cinema" is a special cinematic experience that began at an early age to form the biography, consciousness and imagination of the great writer.

Ibrahim Abdel Majid was born in 1946 in Alexandria. He has published several novels, including "Jasmine House", "Night of love and blood", "The other city", "Nobody sleeps in Alexandria", "Adagio", "Cats of the # 39; year. "

A number of his works have been translated into English, French and German, such as "The Other Town", "No One Sleeps in Alexandria" and "House of Jasmine". The other city won awards in 1996, the most important of which was the Naguib Mahfouz award for the American University of Cairo novel, and "No One Sleeping in Alexandria" won the International Book Fair Cairo for the best novel in 1996.

State Award for Excellence in Literature of the Supreme Council of Culture in 2004 and State Prize for Literature of the Supreme Council of the culture in 2007.

<img alt = "The book I and the film of the writer Ibrahim Abdul Majid" src = "https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/ 2018/7/7 / 43370-كتاب-أنا-والسينما-لل- writer- ابراهيم-عبد-المجيد .jpg "title =" The book I and the cinema by the writer Ibrahim Abdel-Majid "07]

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