If you think of progress, read the terms of the Sawiris Prize at its 14th session


The Sawiris Foundation for Social Development announced the opening of the Prize for its fourteenth session from Sunday, July 15 to Sunday, August 26, 2018.

The price includes the following sections:

Best Award fiction and collection of stories

First section (main authors):

Award for the best literary work, worth one hundred and fifty thousand books.

Second section (Young writers):

Prize for the best fiction:

First place: Eighty thousand Egyptian pounds, second place: fifty thousand pounds.

The terms of the award:

The submitted works will be issued with a deposit number of (d)

The age of the award of the second category (Young writers) does not exceed 40 years the August 26, 2018.

Award for the Best Screenplay

Section I (Principal Authors):

Award for the Best Script Written Directly for the Cinema, and the Value of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds

Second Section (Youth Book ):

Award Best Screenplay directly written for film or from the published book of Egyptian literature, worth eighty thousand pounds.

Award Conditions:

The production of the script submitted until August 26, 2018 has not begun

To be accompanied by the text of the submitted drama line

Candidates must not be over 40 years old on August 26, 2018.

Work submitted after packaging and copy must be submitted

if the script comes from a literary work, Attach written approval from the original author of the story to be converted into a scenario by the author of the competition.

Best Screenplay Award

First Place: The prize value is one hundred and fifty thousand pounds.

Attribution Criteria:

No requirement of age is required for the candidate.

The work presented should not have been performed on stage by a professional.

To be accompanied by a theatrical text

Submission of the submitted work after its packaging and deception

If the biblical text comes from a literary work, the written consent of the original author must be attached.

Award of Literary Criticism

Value of the Prize of 100,000 Egyptian Pounds

Award Terms:

Awarded to the author of the best books published in the field of literary criticism branches of different perspectives and application. 19659002] The submitted work must be published by number of deposit of the Egyptian bookstore between the years 2015 and 2017.

The submitted work does not have to be a scientific letter

General Conditions:

The Applicant must be Egyptian. Only one work is allowed for each author and only one branch of the prize must be submitted.

The submitted work was not obtained

In the case of works drawn from literary texts in the script and theater sections, it is necessary to be an Egyptian literary text

Accepted works by individuals as well as cultural organizations, universities and institutions. Pdf of the work submitted to one of the branches of the award (fiction, storytelling, script, script or literary criticism), accompanied by a photocopy of the applicant's national identity card and Autobiography of the author at the following address: 10 El Diwan St., Garden City – First Floor Apartment No. 3

The award secretariat receives the participating company Du Sunday, July 15, 2018 to Sunday, August 26, 2018, daily from 10 am to 2:30 pm, except Fridays and Saturdays, and will not pay attention to work received before or after that date

Critics, Writers, Filmmakers, Playwrights and theater teachers. During the month of December 2018, the young creators who will receive the shortlist in each branch of the Youth Award will be highlighted and the final results of the competition will be announced in January 2019.

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