If you're a fan of soft drinks, read this article carefully


A study by the American Heart Association has shown that the most harmful substance for the human body is soft drinks sweetened with sugar substitutes, known as "diet", experts insist on the that they should be removed.

The Society's experts state that "eating up to one packet a day of this drink, which is supposed to be sugar-free, increases the risk of stroke and dementia." Three times, triple stroke

Among the sugar substitutes used for the desalination of these drinks figure aspartame, which shows preliminary results of the search for their decomposition in the human body into phenylalanine (amino acid) and aspartic acid and toxic methanol of the body

. Aspartame also accumulates in the human brain, causing abnormal activity of nerve cells, while aspartame, badociated with other substances in soft, carbonated water, forms a heavy and toxic burden on the liver and helps to accumulate toxins in the intestine




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