Immunization of 59,000 head of cattle against foot-and-mouth disease and contractile skin in the lake


Engineer Nadia Abdu emphasized the need for the Veterinary Medicine Branch to intensify fortification work for cattle in the province and take all necessary steps to monitor and monitor vaccination committees for prevention and control of the incidence of skin diseases and contracted feet.

Dr. Hosny Abbasi, Director of the Veterinary Medicine Branch in the Lake, confirmed that vaccination against FMD in the province was 420,951 heads of cattle and 117,000 heads against nodal diseases of the skin

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The director of veterinary medicine explained that a focal point of the village of Bani Salama in Wadi Al-Natroun against dermatococcal disease was monitored and controlled. Suspicious samples were taken from five different sites in Abu Al-Matamir, Hawash Issa, Kom Hamada and Damanhour. In the lake, an intensive campaign was conducted in the village of Al-Khawaldeh of Etai al-Baroud center, without any epidemiological case of foot-and-mouth disease or death case, except individual cases with internal parasites, mastitis and smallpox. T A total of 225 heads with a vaccine against the skin and 341 heads with vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease.

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