Important prenatal counseling. The most important exercise


Cairo – By Eman Abdullah – Important Prenatal Tips

Preparing for childbirth is essential, as it requires many preparations, either healthy or psychological, so we know today A number of important prenatal tips and ways to facilitate natural childbirth.

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I. Attention to Healthy Foods:

  • Having a healthy prenatal diet is very important, so you should also be careful to maintain a normal weight and not gain weight.
  • Take care of the necessary fruits and vegetables, contain vitamins and minerals, including iron and calcium, is important for pregnant women, especially in the ninth month immediately before birth.

Second: Exercise:

  • Exercises that are suitable for women pregnant, walking and yoga, and sports generally help at normal birth.

Third: Attention to rest:

  • Physical comfort and psychological comfort are important before birth, at this stage.
  • Fourth: Follow-up with the doctor:
    • Next i with a good doctor, until delivery, natural or (19659008) Fifth: Preparation of the birth bag:
      • Be careful to prepare the birth bag, clothing and supplies necessary for the mother or the child, which helps the woman before birth to have confidence in herself. "/>

        Natural Facilitation of Births:

        The use of natural herbs, which help to make my work easier

        First: sage leaves:

        • Herbs that help strengthen the uterine muscle, relieve the pain pain that occurs in the stage of birth.
        • This is done by boiling a tablespoon of sage leaves in a quantity of water.
        • Second: Ring:
          • L & # 39; ring of seeds used before birth, which helps to open the uterus and facilitate the delivery process.
          • Third: Anise:
            • When the date of birth is known, it is possible to eat a cup of honey The anise boiled and left for ten minutes.
            • Honey or sugar is eaten with a cup, which facilitates the process of delivery.

            Fourth: Garlic:

            • L & # Garlic contains natural elements that facilitate and stimulate the birth process. 9006] Adding garlic to various foods before birth, which means eliminating the amount of feces that exists in the intestines.

            V. Cactus:

            • Various studies have shown that the cactus helps to stimulate normal birth,
            • A large spoon of cactus gel is soaked in water and sweetened with honey and a cup is taken, which stimulates the ease of delivery.

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