In a Few Steps, Protect Yourself Against B Virus Infection


Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. The virus interferes with liver function and causes damage.

A small percentage of infected people can not get rid of the virus and therefore have chronic inflammation, and these are more likely to die of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

According to WHO reports, hepatitis B body fluids of an infected person, as well as HIV, however, hepatitis B is more than 50 to 100 times more contagious than HIV

– Methods of Infection with the Hepatitis B Virus:
To the Newborn at Birth (Perinatal)
• Transmission of the child to child

Unexplained badual contact

Overall, most infections occur from mother to child, from child to toddler (especially within the same family), reuse of sterile needles and syringes And before widespread use of the vaccine against hepatitis B, almost all children in developing countries were infected with the virus

– Infectious cases:
The hepatitis B virus is not spread by sharing kitchenware, bad, kissing, contact with hands, coughing, sneezing or using swimming pools for the purpose

– Prevention of B virus
By vaccinating against hepatitis B, the vaccine against hepatitis B has been proven safety and efficiency since 1982, more than a billion doses. The vaccine is 95% effective at preventing the development of chronic infection, and this protection lasts at least 20 years, and the WHO does not recommend a booster dose until now.
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