In the presence of the Minister of Culture. "Modern Dance" celebrates the anniversary of the July Revolution … Masrawy


In the presence of the Minister of Culture. "Modern Dance" celebrates the anniversary of the July Revolution in Serbia


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Dr. Atef Abdel-Dayem, Minister of Culture, has endorsed the participation of the Egyptian Opera's modern theatrical dance ensemble under the presidency of Dr. Magdy Saber at the ceremony of the July 23rd Revolution in Serbia . The Ambbadador of Egypt in Belgrade and the Serbian Minister of Culture and Information, Fladan Bovosavilvic, with a selection of political and public figures

Ambbadador Amr Al-Juili said that the relations between Egypt and Serbia Duo in various areas, stating that "Communication with the Serbian community at previous celebrations on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of relations between the two countries was carried out by the arts and culture as a language common to all the peoples of the world. "

The Minister of Culture and Information, Vladan Bovosavilvich, praised the Egyptian achievements that have shaped many aspects of human civilization through the ages, from ancient Egypt until the end of the century. to the present day, expressing the hope that the cultural month will be a cultural month. The Minister of Culture of Cyprus congratulated the modern dance team for the 25th anniversary of its founding, calling for the preparation of a new program of cooperation with Egypt in the cultural field during next three years.

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