In this case, women are at risk of developing uterine cancer


Regions – Agencies

Cancer of the uterus is the fourth most common type of woman, although its causes are unknown, but there are factors that increase the risk of its development, according to a study recent British

. Postmenopausal women aged 40 to 74 were diagnosed in postmenopausal women who experienced ovarian cessation of estrogen production, which increased the incidence of the disease.

Weight gain is one of the biggest risk factors with the ideal weight, while the study found that obesity causes one-third of cancer cases. uterus in the UK every year. Higher levels of insulin are badociated with an increased risk of infection and increases the risk of producing cancerous cells. . This confirms the need for a healthy diet. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome have a hormonal imbalance that increases the risk of infection compared to those who are not.

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