Increasing Gas Prices Due to Increased Domestic Consumption


MP Hegazi, secretary of the Parliament's Energy and Environment Committee, said the approval of the rising price of natural gas used in homes and shops varies from 33 to 75%, a decision issued by the Prime Minister. Hijazi said in a statement to "echo the country", "The discoveries that were previously announced, like the midday field, will start production in the coming period, which will reflect no doubt". 39, increase prices, as well as self-sufficiency, saying: "Discovery A decree has been issued to determine the prices of natural gas for homes and commercial activity equivalent to the same. domestic use, according to Dr. Mustafa Madbouli, Prime Minister . According to the decision published in the Official Gazette, the first tranche of consumption of natural gas in cubic meters is between zero and 30 cubic meters and is priced at 175 piastres per cubic meter, the second tranche is between 30 and 60 cubic meters, or 250 piastres per cubic meter.

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