Intensification of security in the vicinity of the military academy to receive Sisi and guests of the ceremony


The perimeter of the Heliopolis Military College is experiencing security difficulties before the graduation ceremony of new military students.

Police forces are officially and civilly deployed and iron fences are erected in all the streets leading to the gates of the academy. Waiting by the Cairo Traffic Department and the detection of explosives by modern equipment and sniffer dogs.

The area and road leading to the headquarters of the military college and the perimeter of the Military College Stadium and New Egypt, an extensive deployment of experts.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday celebrates graduation ceremonies for new students, and students at the College of Science and Technology of Military Colleges coincide with the commemoration of the July 23 Revolution in the presence of senior officials and chiefs of the armed forces and chiefs of major branches

The ceremony includes the graduation of new payments for students at colleges and military institutes. In addition to Air College and Air Defense College as well as the Technical Institute of the Armed Forces and the Institute of Technical Nursing

The ceremony includes the graduation of new colleges and military institutes .

At the end of the ceremony, the students head for the podium to greet the president of the Sisi and pbad the "

A number of students from the Police College participate in the ceremony of handing over degrees from military colleges and institutes in a manner that reflects the importance of joint training between Military College students and police college students.
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