Israel plans to limit Turkey's influence in Jerusalem


Israel plans to ban Turkey's activities in Jerusalem
Eastern via the Turkish Relief Agency (TIKA) ", which works to promote the status of Ankara
Jerusalem in general and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in particular. "

A report from the tenth Israeli channel,
That "this suspicious activity has led Israel to think of ways to restrict the activities of the Turkish Agency"
In Jerusalem. "

The channel added:" Turkey has been searching for years
Finally, to gain a foothold in Jerusalem, focus on the Al Aqsa Mosque through
Funds for certain badociations for "maximum protection".

Israel sees Turkish activists working
To fuel the feelings and funding of provocative activities and that Turkey is seeking a special position in the
The Temple Mount pumping millions of dollars to East Jerusalem.

The chain concluded: "Although Jordan has
Curator of the Holy Places, but Turkey has taken the initiative, through the infusion of millions
In East Jerusalem, make Ankara a strong support and sympathy of the people. "

The Turkish Relief Agency
Regions of the world, active in Gaza, with the cooperation and consent of the Government of Israel.

But in recent months, Israel has confirmed its reception
Intelligence that the agency was dealing with Hamas and providing him with money and sensitive information.

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