Israeli police investigate "Netanyahu" on suspicion of corruption


On Tuesday, Israeli police investigated over 4 hours with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for corruption.

The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" on its website, that the investigation focuses on more than 4 hours on the case of "Bezeq Telecom", without further clarification.

There was no immediate statement from the police or the Israeli Prime Minister's office on the investigation.

Netanyahu has long denied the charges against him, using the phrase: "There will be nothing, because there is nothing."

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said it was the tenth time in more than a year that police were investigating Netanyahu with corruption.

The agency said the investigation will focus on Netanyahu's suspicions for the Israeli company Bezeq to receive the facilities so that Netanyahu and his family receive positive media coverage on the "Walla" website of Shaul Alovitch, who was previously Bezeq's general manager.

The case is known in Israel as "File 4000" and the investigation will examine the "File 2000" negotiations Netanyahu with the newspaper editor Yediot Ahronot Arnon Moses to obtain Positive media coverage in exchange for the newspaper's expansion. "Israel today".

The Israeli police recommended Netanyahu to sentence Netanyahu in the 1000 file in mid-February regarding Netanyahu's access to the profits of the businessmen and File 2000.

But legal counsel from the Israeli government, Avichai Mandelblit, has not yet decided to indict Netanyahu

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