The health
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Scientists at the University of Western Ontario in Canada have found that the general social condemnation of smoking is the main incentive to leave this "destructive" health habit.
The researchers pointed out that social condemnation should take its place on packaging cigarette packs rather than on images showing the diseases typically left behind by smoking.
Canadian researchers have suggested that different images of people carry expressions of condemnation and disdain for those who smoke cigarettes.
According to the Journal of Consumer Affairs, the printing of images of social condemnation has shown its effectiveness to 150 smokers and prompted them to break with this destructive habit.
Canadian social scientists have explained that cans containing "images of social condemnation" reduce the desire to smoke and become in the future a kind of "deterrent" to quit smoking.
But this approach is a "veneration path", with various flaws. It only concerns those who doubt the validity of smoking, it does not affect smokers become part of their daily lives. Nothing
Source: Live. Ru
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