Jeddah Astronomy: An extraordinary total eclipse of the moon with the sky of Saudi Arabia and the Arab world


Jeddah – Harmony:

Majid Abu Zahra, President of the Jeddah Astronomical Society, said that the skies of Saudi Arabia and the Arab region were attending Friday evening's mid-Dhul-Qa & # 39; dah, totally erased from the moon. "The next total eclipse is the first since June 15, 2011 at the national level, and the longest in the twenty-first century, where the total problem persists for one hour and 43 minutes

The reason for this total eclipse is that" the moon is a reality The farthest point of Earth's orbit is the furthest moon in Badr during this year, which means that its apparent mbad is small. For the observer, 6.2% is smaller than the average, and it moves more slowly, which makes the crossing of the Earth longer, unlike when it is close to the Earth when it moves more quickly into orbit.

The Earth is now at the apogee of the sun, and its length reaches its maximum length and width during the year, which means that the total lunar eclipse lasts longer.

The eclipse ends at 12:13 (21:13 GMT) The Moon departs from the shadow of the Earth and begins the second phase of the partial eclipse, which will end at 13:19 (22:19 GMT) and will restore moon illumination and the main event ends

The longest lunar eclipse can take an hour and 47 minutes, the longest lunar eclipse occurred in the 20th century on July 16, 2000 and s & # 39 is continued for 46.4 minutes. The center of the lunar disk was almost completely synchronized with the Shadow of the Earth Center.

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