Johl launches a tool to measure distances and spaces on Google Earth


Wednesday, July 25, 2018 12:48 (News) – Google Inc. has added a new measurement tool to Google Earth (19459004) and Chrome and is now available on peripherals [I9459004] IOS [] that can be used to measure the distance between any two points on the globe. .

According to a Google blog on his official blog, the measurement tool is one of the most requested features by users of Google Earth . Have you ever wondered how far your city is from the North Pole? You may just want to measure the length of this height that you have just got. One of the most requested features in Google Earth is the ability to measure distance and space. "

In addition to measuring the distance between you and another place, the measuring instrument can be useful when looking for a house, for example, you can check the size of the park in the neighborhood you are looking at.

The seventh-day story was published by the Arab News

Arab News – Jouhl launches a tool to measure distances and spaces on Google Earth .

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