July 27 Live broadcast of the total lunar eclipse at the Children's Museum


The Secretary General of the New Egypt Association, Dr. Nabil Helmy, said: "Preparations are underway at the Center for Civilization and Children's Creativity (Children & # 39; s Museum) to prepare for the dissemination of the Total lunar eclipse Friday, July 27 A global event seen by Egypt and many countries around the world. "This lunar eclipse is the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, it will take about 6 hours and 14 minutes, "said Helmi.He explained that the Children's Museum will transport the cosmic event directly on a huge screen up to 4 meters in coordination and cooperation with the National Institute of Astronomical Research and Geophysics, which monitors world events, through giant telescopes and the phenomenon directly into the museum.For that, said the director of the Children's Center for Civilization and Creativity Dr. Osama A bdulwar: "It will precede the live broadcast of a seminar to identify information from astronomy through explanators and clarifications to explain how such phenomena occur when the cosmic occurs and other astronomical phenomena. "

" According to astronomers and according to local time The phenomenon starts with the under-shadow eclipse exactly at 7 and 14 minutes and 47 seconds at night, and the eclipse is almost my shadow is that the moon is in the semi-shadow of the earth and the moon does not fall, and exactly 10 and 21 minutes and 44 seconds is the peak of the total eclipse. The lunar disk is the most opaque and puts an end to the Moon's Eclipse phenomenon at 1, 28 and 38 seconds. "

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