Khaled Abu Bakr reveals the real reasons for the conflict Ahli and Turki Al-Sheikh.


International lawyer Khaled Abu Bakr revealed that the engineer Adly al-Qai & # 39; i, head of the Ahli committee, was communicating with him and demanding that the wise intervene to try to resolve the problems between the administration of the Red Castle and the head of the sports authority Turki Al-Sheikh. "Minister Turki Al-Sheikh mentioned in his appeal that I was present for two facts: that's what happened and he listened to each letter, the first incident being that of Engineer Adly al-Qai & i, who was asking the sages to intervene to reconcile both. Sheikh Turki Al-Sheikh and Al-Ahli Club Board of Directors. "

" Wakir : "The second incident of Al-Shennawi's goalkeeper, Zamalek, when he came to Cairo, asked me and I went to see him with Captain Khatib and with him a document from the centers that must be supported by unnamed players and the center of the goalkeeper

He continued: All the sheikh used all his contacts to attend Al-Shennawi, which happened, and the player arrived with his brother and his manager, but the surprise when he learned the position of Khatib "Etkharb", And refused to sit with Ahmed Al-Shennawi and left And hailed the possibility of e his presence at a meeting with the president of another club and we abide by the law, and tried to be very specific in his words with the player so that he n & # 39; There is no embarrbadment "

He adds:" This is what happened specifically and I will not badyze or comment on the incident, but I confirm that Turki Al-Sheikh not only likes Ahli but foolishly loves the club. "

Turki Al-Sheikh with this position in particular and the rest of the other positions in general, is the cause of the problem between him and the Ahli club. "

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