King Salman Relief Center distributes dates to displaced people in Al-Khokha in Hodeidah


King Salman Relief Center distributes dates to displaced persons at al-Khokha in Hodeidah The Charter, citing a newspaper, preceded the publication of the King Salman Relief Center distributed on al-Khokha in Hodeidah.

The Charter The Rescue and Humanitarian Action Center of King Salman today distributed 3,000 copies of dates on the displaced people to the Al-Khokha leadership in Hodeidah governorate , benefiting from:

The distribution is part of the food aid projects provided by the Center to the Yemeni people.

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The King Salman Relief Center's charter distributes dates about displaced people in al-Khokha, Hodeidah, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news regularly.

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