Kuwait follows the example of Saudi Arabia. Gargash calls for the release of Hodeida in Yemen.


The Arab arena has witnessed several important events in the past hours, as well as the text of the bulletin:

Kuwait follows the example of Saudi Arabia

What was taken by Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to suspend the pbadage of tankers from the Straits of Bab al-Mandab. Saudi Arabia: Kuwait plans to stop the pbadage of tankers in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, without making a final decision.

Saudi Minister of Energy yesterday announced the decision of his country to suspend the pbadage of tankers through the host of Bab al-Mandab , following the targeting of two Saudi carriers by the Houthi militias. [1945900619459006

The UAE State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, confirmed that the targeting of two Saudi oil tankers in the Red Sea Hodeidah City of Houthi militia.

Gargash wrote Thursday in a tweet on the social networking site "Twitter": "Targeting Saudi oil in the Red Sea confirms the need to release Hodeidah Houthi militia , systematic attack of navigation The Navy acts as a terrorist and expresses the nature of the Houthi and its aggression. "

Saudi Arabia has announced the suspension of the pbadage oil tankers in the Bab al-Mandab Strait, after two of its tankers were targeted by Houthi militia.

Russian Delegation in Lebanon A delegation of Russian Defense and Foreign Affairs Ministers met on Thursday with Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri in the Lebanese capital to discuss the return of refugees to Syria .

Matters relating to the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic will be addressed, including the return of Syrian refugees from Lebanese territory "The Lebanese leadership supports the Russian decision to establish a special center to coordinate the return of displaced Syrians in their country, calling it an "integrated operational procedure" to ensure a safe return, said the adviser of Lebanese Foreign Minister Ola Boutros on Sputnik on Saturday.

Dr. Mishal bin Fahm al-Salami, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, on Thursday condemned the targeting of oil tankers in the Red Sea by the Houthi coup militia.

President of the Arab Parliament in a statement Thursday: The targeting of oil tankers by the coup d'état Al-Houthi in the Red Sea is a terrorist act and a serious threat to peace and security. international security requires the immediate and decisive action of the international community to secure oil transmission lines and the countries and groups that support them. (function (d, s, id) {
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