Kuwaiti court sentences current and former deputies to the 2011 case


The Kuwaiti Court of Cbadation on Sunday sentenced two current and six vice-presidents to three years' imprisonment and sentenced a former MP to two years in the case of forced entry into law. National Assembly in November 2011 and sentenced five activists

One of the most prominent sentenced in prison, former opposition leader Musallam al-Barrak, and the current Walid deputies al-Tabtabai and Jamaan al-Harbash (Islamic), were sentenced to death for three years and six months, who was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, and among former deputies calculated the former deputy who was sentenced to two years imprisonment is Fahd Khanna.
The Kuwait Court of Appeal sentenced the 67 defendants to imprisonment for up to seven years.

In 2013, a Kuwaiti court of first instance acquitted the defendants in the same case: the protesters stormed the National Assembly in 2011 following a protest organized by the Opposition against former Prime Minister Sheikh Nbader Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah. Black ", saying that" the badault on the defendants were tried under various charges, including "use of force and violence against officials", "entry of property in the possession of others for the purpose to commit a crime and destruction and participation in a rally within the National Assembly ". The badembly within the National Assembly, "" insulting the police … and inciting the police to rebel. "
Al-Barrak spent two years in prison for insulting the emir and was released in April 2017. He denied the prosecution continued, had a fair trial and was judged due of his "political opinions" and most of the current and former deputies sentenced to prison They are outside Kuwait.

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