Latest News – "Bloody Moon" shines the heavens of the world


The "Bloody Moon" illuminates the sky of the world

This is how the Gaza moon appeared.

The New Arab Beirut

July 27, 2018

The Red Moon or the "Bloody Moon" The longest lunar eclipse is seen in the 21st century.

It is called the "bloody moon" because the sunlight enters the earth's atmosphere On the way to the moon and the atmosphere of the earth, and turns to the red of the same way that the sun's disc is painted red at sunset.

The longest eclipse from sunset on Friday and continuing until sunrise on Saturday

The shape of the moon in some countries appears in this form:

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The Bloody Moon in Konya, Turkey

The Bloody Moon in Berlin, Germany

] The Bloody Moon in Konya, Turkey

The Bloody Moon in Iraq Najaf (Haidar Hamdani / AFP)

<img src = "http : // "alt =" [citation needed] The Eclipse in Cyprus [Prince of Makar / AFP]



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