Launch of the first stage of comprehensive health insurance The development of 47 hospitals and the elimination of waiting lists of patients within 6 months


As an extension of the state's efforts to extend the field of health care to all citizens, President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi launched the first phase of the implementation of the national project. health insurance including preliminary steps and procedures. The Republic of Egypt provides that Phase I of the trial will include the elimination of waiting lists for critical medical interventions and interventions for six months, and the launch of model hospital development. with 47 Ministry of Health hospitals and university hospitals in all governorates Strategic inventory of infant milk, vaccines and vaccines, and the comprehensive survey and treatment of fir c with a total of 45 millions of Egyptian citizens, in partnership with major pharmaceutical companies, within two years.

Preparatory procedures include finishing and mechanization of the Port Said Governorate. And registration of beneficiaries within one year, starting in the successive implementation in the other governorates of the first phase (Suez – Ismailia – North and South Sinai).


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