Launched of Ismailia .. 4 national conferences adopted the initiative "Ask the President"


The official page of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi on various social networking sites announced the opening of the "Ask the President" initiative for young Egyptian universities, where he will meet students from different universities and from around the world from July 17 to 24. The first in the history of the initiative for those whose questions are chosen to attend the Sixth National Youth Conference.

The announcement of the effectiveness of Ask the President was not the first of its kind. "Sisi" to establish as a means of communication with the Mo Dawn "Previous national conferences, held in the presence of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, saw a special paragraph of the initiative and youth in particular, to identify their problems and respond directly to their demands.

The Ismailia Conference

The initiative began late April 2017 at the Third National Youth Conference , held in Ismailia, through a digital application launched Through the website of the National Youth Conference.

The application provided an opportunity for all citizens to choose

The conference Alexandria

In July, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Egypt,

C was in preparation for the launch of the Fourth National Youth Conference, which was held in Alexandria, in Egypt, In order to maintain a clear direct relationship

"The history of a country"

Although the conference "The history of a nation … between the vision and the achievement "held in January this year in a Cairo hotel had a different lane The initiative" Ask the President "was an essential part of its sessions.

During the conference, President Sisi concluded his meetings with this initiative, Strengthening Relations with the Egyptian People, in the context of their interest in activating community participation and strengthening dialogue with citizens.

[19459] President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi made a point of focusing on youth and the interest in their problems and problems in the community during the Fourth National Youth Conference that took place Is held in Cairo last May. 19659003 "Sisi" focuses on answering questions and questions from young people at the initiative "Ask the President" to form a direct link between him and this important and influential group in the future of the homeland in the following period

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