Leakage of camera details in the Galaxy S10 Plus


Leakage of camera details in the Galaxy S10 Plus, always eager to get your satisfaction, we launched the News 2013 news site in order to easily navigate the news for the Arab citizen who is always interested by the truth and nothing else News from sports, politics, economics, art, technology and technology, news of health and beauty, and for my dear Eve, we have launched a world title that attracts the attention of Arab women in all Arab countries. Pain Entertainment and news in the world, and start with the news today, the story of "leak details of the cameras in the Galaxy S10 Plus."

Arab News is published on Sunday, July 8, 2018 06:15, Samsung will launch a new Galaxy S10 Plus in February.

According to previous versions, the Galaxy S10 Plus, scheduled next year, will come with three rear cameras as it is the case in the P20 Pro phones revealed earlier this year.

New reports show that the main camera on the Galaxy S10 Plus will come with 12 megapixel camera with a variable lens slot that allows users to switch between f / 1.5 and f / 2.4, the same camera in the Galaxy S9 Plus launched this year.

The second camera will be a 13-megapixel camera and the f / 2.4 aperture lens has the ability to approach the optical, similar to the lens used by Samsung in the number of phones in recent years.

In addition, Samsung was inspired by the idea of ​​the third camera of LG's main phones, which comes with 16-megapixel f / 1.9 wide-angle lens of 123 degrees, and is therefore suitable for taking photos in nature and open spaces. On the other hand, it does not help autofocus or optical stabilization.

It is also expected that Samsung will work on its next smart phone to integrate the sensitive fingerprint in the screen and support facial recognition technology in a three-dimensional scanner technology instead d & # 39; iris. It will also be the largest smartphone with a 6.44-inch screen area.


Leak of camera details in the Galaxy S10 Plus, we hope to be good for you, dear and dear visitors, wishing you more and more health and well-being, and do not confuse your opinion with these comments. In the first place, leak the details of the Galaxy S10 Plus cameras, do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site, the website of Arabs News, on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, and from Impress and follow the latest political and economic news. Sports and Technology

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