Learn about the relationship between body exposure to sunburn and cancer


  Knowing the Relationship Between Body Exposure to Sunburn and Cancer
Knowing the Relationship Between Body Exposure to Sunburn and Cancer

Knowing the Relationship Between the Body Exposure Exposure of the body to sunburn and cancer The body is exposed to sunburn and cancer, knows the relationship between exposure of the body to sunburn and cancer, we pbad on to you our visitors News News Today and through the news, we know the relationship between body exposure to sunburn and cancer. Scientific Expenses "There is a genetic relationship between those who are exposed to sunburn and skin cancer, which requires extreme caution when they are exposed to the sun."

The study showed that owners of yellow hair and white skin (19659005) Researchers examined data from more than 141,000 people registered with the National Bank of England, and discovered that there were 20 regions in Britain that were suffering from genes related to sun exposure, which doubled their chances of cancer, requires be very careful when sun exposure to avoid cancer skin.

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(19659005) Source: Beauty


  Shadi Mari