Learn more about the vitamin that treats brain diseases!


Researchers at the University of Tübingen and Helmhorlitz in Germany have confirmed that a type of vitamin B called nicotinamide ribotide preserves brain cells and protects them from damage.

Cell Reports published the results of a study conducted by German researchers Vitamin B3 or "nicotinamide riboside" preserves neural brain cells by activating mitochondrial function

The researchers emphasized the role of this vitamin and its diet in improving the quality of life of people with Parkinson's disease.

and among specialists that vitamin "B3" stimulates metabolism and gives energy (19659002) .The researchers also confirmed the role of vitamin B3 in maintaining liver health, skin, hair and eyes, stimulating the metabolism and contributing to the production of the necessary hormones in the human body

. It is a food containing vitamin "nicotinamide riboside": chicken, fish, red meat, beans, eggplant, avocado, dates, potatoes, peas and soy.

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