Lemon recipe for relieving sinus sensitivity


Health and Fashion News: DIY: Lemon Recipe to Reduce Sinus Sensitivity News Source: News Today – The Portal with News Details Do it Yourself: Lemon Recipe to Reduce the Sensitivity of Sinus sinus:

News of the day – Saturday, July 14, 2018 Make-It-Yourself of the day: The lemon recipe for sinus relief

Do you suffer from nasal congestion and annoying nasal sinuses? Lemons contain a high percentage of vitamin C and act as an antibacterial and anti-toxic, which helps relieve cold symptoms, sinus infections and sore throats.
The effectiveness of lemon increases with the addition of honey or ginger. ] Treatment method of sinusitis:
In a glbad of hot water, put the lemon juice or two with two tablespoons of honey and a little apple vinegar, then drink the mixture three times by day. Ginger and honey. Inhalation of steam from time to time to relieve colds and facilitate breathing and accelerate healing.

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