Lieberman calls for settlement expansion to stop Palestinian attacks … Masaru


Lieberman calls for expansion of settlements to stop Palestinian attacks

09:32 AM

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said the best way to stop attacks against Israeli citizens in the occupied West Bank was to expand settlement construction

Lieberman announced the construction of 400 new homes in the colony of Adam.

The Palestinian striker, who also wounded two Israelis, was shot dead

Settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law, despite the defense. The legitimacy of Israel.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) declared that the attack p Israeli authorities identified the 31-year-old Israeli, Yutam Ovidiya, while Palestinian media reported that the aggressor was Mohammed Dar Yusuf, 17, from the nearby town of Cooper

. According to BBC correspondent in the Middle East, Tom Pittman, Israeli forces planned to demolish the bomber's house on Friday morning, causing clashes, and the Israeli army said: "The rioters threw stones and incendiary bombs on the troops "Flaming", adding that the troops responded by saying

The Israeli army said that it "reinforced the defenses" in the colony of Adam, but Lieberman stressed that the most important was to adopt a long-term strategy to deal with the problem.

Lieberman said in a tweet in Hebrew, A response to terrorism is the expansion of settlement construction. "

Since 2015, dozens of Israelis have been killed by knife, shooting or car attacks by Palestinians acting alone.

During the same period, Israel says that the majority are attackers, according to news agencies.Others were killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers.

Israel says that a wave of incitement is behind the attacks, while Palestinian leaders show a state of frustration caused by decades of Israeli occupation.

More than 600,000 settlers live A settlement built since Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1967.

In addition there are about 100 outposts of settlements built without the approval of the Israeli authorities.

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