Links Al-Azhar Secondary School 2018 "Third Year" Al-Azhar electronic portal "seventh day" by name appeared Sunday


We will know the results of high school in 2018 with the number of places and names, and the success rates this year compared to previous years, where the announcement of the third year's result secondary "Azhar" in the next 72 hours. Saleh Abbas, head of the lower institutes Azhar, said that the latest arrangements are made before the announcement of the result of the Azhar secondary certificate, and that the result came in the follow-up notes and names of the first of the republic ,
Azhar secondary for the year

The secondary al-Azhar result 2018

The emergence of the secondary Azhar result is expected at the beginning of the week A press conference will take place with the Sheikh of Al-Azhar for official adoption and the proclamation of the names of the first, under the chairmanship of Dr. Abbas Shoman and Sittin have published a direct link to obtain the result of Azhar High School once formally adopted by this article "Al-Azhar Electronic Portal."

The result of the third year secondary certificate can be obtained in a few hours. The student will be able to get an indication of the grades of the different subjects who pbaded the exam on July 3rd, in addition to the total number.

19659002] We are waiting to announce the results of Azhar's secondary tests, after the completion of the correction and compilation of the notes, and anxiously expects all the students the date of the results through the portal number in all governorates of the Republic. Increased percentages of enrolled students

The name of the first republic of all inhabitants of Azhar High School was announced a few days ago, and a press conference will have place on Sunday morning in Al-Azhar to adopt the official results of the Islamic division And the scientific and literary section

The results of the Al-Azhar high school 2018 will be announced after the scheduled press conference Sunday morning, and the announcement of general success rates.

Dr. Abbas Shoman congratulates the students who won the first posts in the republic People.

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