Lunch also has mistakes that prevent weight loss


The details of this news at lunch are also mistakes that prevent weight loss.

Ramallah – Dunia al-Watan
The dinner is often focused on the mistakes that can occur, which can lead to weight gain or prevent its reduction. But in fact, the lunch also has mistakes and similar foods that can be eaten and lead to weight gain.

– White rice: White rice contains a high sugar index. Therefore, it should be treated moderately, especially if you want to reduce weight. It is also best to avoid sushi, too greedy with their white rice content

– Avoid eating carbohydrates: many avoid eating to lose weight very quickly. But in fact, it is necessary for the body because it contains complex sugars and fibers and helps fight the feeling of tiredness and give a feeling of satiety.

– The Power of Caesar: It may be a good substitute for fatty foods rich in thermocouples, but it's not the best power to eat fat in sauce. In addition to the Parmesan cheese that it contains

– Butter with bread: You can feel the desire to eat delicious bread with butter, but in fact adds to the lunch a significant amount of fat and thermal units. It is best to drink water to ensure a sense of fullness instead of using it.

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Source: دنيا الوطن

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