Mae accepted the resignation of the British minister of "Brikst"


  May accepts the resignation of the Minister of


Hannah Mckay

British Prime Minister Teresa Mae has accepted the resignation of the Minister in charge of the file, "Brixt" David Davis, presented on Sunday for not agreeing with May on the conditions of the expected exit of the country from European Union.

My thanks to Davies for his work over the last two years, expressing his regret for his decision.

The resignation came two days after a meeting between May and his ministers to reach an agreement with the European Union. After leaving the block country, 69-year-old Davis, a conservative veteran known for his skepticism in the European Union, said in his resignation letter that the road would not lead to what the British had voted

. : "At best, we will be in a weak position to negotiate" with Brussels, in Ishar At the rejection of the more rigorous Brikst supporters planned by the government to establish a free trade zone between Britain and the European Union and the creation of a common register of industrial and agricultural products, while hawks insist on the establishment of a complete customs system.

In a letter published by the government, Davis says in his letter published by the government: "The national interest requires the presence of a Minister of Brixt who firmly believes in your approach, and not only in a reluctant soldier. "

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Davis resigned, followed by the British media, the resignation of the state secretaries for the business of Brikst, Steve Baker, and Sulla Braverman.

Davis was appointed to his post in July 2016. He had repeatedly threatened to resign Differences with May, according to the media

Source: AFP + Agencies

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