Many oats are damaged and have poor digestion


is one of the best types of whole grains, which contain many important nutrients for the body, yes oats, which intrigued all doctors and talked about a lot of medical studies, despite the benefits that do not count but there is some damage caused by the proliferation

healthline "the damage to overeating in the oatmeal, he pointed out that the oatmeal contains many vitamins, minerals, and important nutrients such as antiperspirants, oxidation, and iron, which makes it beneficial for health but not excessive in T.

The published report points out that the consumption of oatmeal has many health benefits, including that diet contributes to the elimination of excess weight due to the high fiber content useful for the body. The main benefits of eating oatmeal flour are also boosting heart health, fighting diabetes or reducing the risk of infection.Farge helps regulate blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol, and reduce the chances of contracting. Reduces the risk of cancer because it contains a high percentage of antioxidants, and the most important benefit that a person gets from oats is to reduce the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles, according to the published report.

  Damage to oats

Damage to oats

The report published on oatmeal damages that excessive handling can be the cause of digestive problems, the person feels bloating and pain in the stomach.

The report notes that people with difficulty swallowing may have problems with digestion. Teeth, because oats is a little solid food.

Finally, the report recommended that readers not abuse oatmeal and consume it in the morning with a glbad of skim milk. [ad_2]
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