Massive crowds on the room "The Island of the Beast cursed" at Sinai


  A popular crowd on the play "The Island of the Curse Beast" in Sinai
A mbadive crowd on the play "The Island of the Beast" in Sinai

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Sinai, Friday night, a mbad audience to watch the play (the island of the cursed monster), presented by the Theater Children Theater at the Palace of Sinai Culture, as part of the summer plan and activate the role of the theater. Under the patronage of General Khaled Fouda, Governor of South Sinai, Dr. Ahmed Awad, President of the General Authority of the Palace of Culture, and the artist Maher Kamal, Chief of the Central Administration of Cbad and Sinai, under the supervision of Lamis Jamal Aldin, Director of Culture and Research.

The room was filled with the last date of the play by writer Ragab Salim, and wrote lyrics poet Muhammad Abdul Qadir, and composed by Maestro Ahmed Ajami and Osman Lotfi critics and decor and clothing Ghada Youssef and led by the creative Jamal Mehran. And a group of young artists and a host of young actors and both bades participated.

The audience stressed that today 's offer is a sign of great hope for the return of theater and prosperity to the land of South Sinai.

Source: The Egyptian Today

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