"Maybe you hate something that is good for you"


Hussein al-Shahat confirmed
Star of the United Arab Emirates club Al Ain, has benefited from many coaches, but guard Ehab Galal
He is his "spiritual father" and more than his level.

Jalal said during
His remarks to the program "Shoupair" on the satellite "Echo of the country": "My coach
In the eyes of the UAE, "Zoran" is very similar to Ihab Galal in many ways
Art and methods. "

He added:" A believer
Suleiman and Emad Suleiman are similar to Ihab Galal in offensive style, and I have benefited a lot from him. "

Was the reason for my transition from defense only to defense and attack."

He continued: "We lost
Friendly match against Portugal after 90 minutes, then we lost against Uruguay in World Cup
In the 90th minute and that's a problem he likes to tackle not only the defense. "

He continued:" I noticed
Hector Cooper's style is still defensive and he likes good defenders.

"I was ready to apply Cooper's" defensive "style to compete in the World Cup
With the Egyptian team
. "

And Abizaid:" Who
It is normal for a player to be sad not to participate in the World Cup and to represent his country, but maybe
To hate something that is good for you. "

He pointed out:
"Mahmoud Fayez is the only one who contacted me after the announcement of the final list participating in the World Cup

and concluded: "Happy
My colleague Marcos Berge is impressed by the excellent Swedish team "Frod"
And very diligent. "

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