Men only If you are an athlete and take stimulants and growth hormones. Learn the damage to your health


Some athletes may use stimulants to improve their fitness and fitness, without their athletes and others knowing in advance what the damage is in the long run.

The most important damage caused by growth hormone is [119659002] – High risk of early baldness
2. High risk of permanent enlargement of certain glands such as prostate and bad .
3. Functioning disorders of hormones that lead to impotence and impotence.
In the testes
5 – the emergence of acne dramatically, especially in adolescents and small.

It should be noted that many But many studies have shown that growth hormones and steroids can damage the body in the long run, so it is advisable not to take them or treat them.

But steroids and steroids have several side effects:

2. Mental disorders and mood that can sometimes lead to suicide.
3. The occurrence of cardiovascular problems.
4. Liver diseases
5. Breast growth In men.

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