Merkel's government faces the risk of collapse


Facing the coalition government led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The risk of collapse as a result of a dispute over immigrants, considered the Christian Social Party
Sunday, Merkel's proposals to reduce the number of asylum seekers are insufficient

After the tensions lasted more than two weeks between the chancellor and the party, the corner
The most extreme right of the ruling coalition was supposed to rule on this dispute
Evening: "either by reaching a settlement or by the collapse of the weak coalition that was reached
For him in March
. "

The reason for this is the consequences of Merkel's controversial decision in 2015 to open the border
In front of hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers

The party demands the expulsion of registered migrants in EU countries
Which make up the majority of asylum seekers in Germany. And put a timeout for Merkel to expire
Early 1965

Merkel rejects this proposal for fear of "extending" it to all countries
European Commission. He was considered to have won the Bavarian party after the agreement of the European leaders
Friday, on new measures to reduce immigration in the European Union, innovators
However, the German Minister of the Interior Horst Siefer, who heads the party
Socialist Christian considered Sunday, at a meeting in camera that the agreement reached
German Chancellor with the EU "insufficient

Seahover criticized the "hardening of the position" Merkel had with her recently
Saturday night, in Berlin. Sources close to the Christian Social Party announced that
Was "in vain

Seahover intends to issue a public statement late Sunday,

Merkel confirmed Sunday that the EU summit decisions on Thursday and Friday,
In particular, activate control at the external borders of the EU and activate cooperation
Preventing the movement of asylum seekers within the Union has an effect that goes beyond what the EU claims
Siehofer refused Sunday, a compromise proposed by Merkel Saturday .

Merkel proposed the status of registered migrants in another country of the Union.
The European Union in special reception centers subject to strict conditions, rather than expulsion

Sihofer rejected Merkel's plan and issued an order to the border police to begin
By returning asylum seekers registered in other countries, Merkel will have to return it, which upsets
The German Chancellor obtained the support of prominent members of the Democratic Party
The Christian, Prime Minister Hesse Volker-Bouffier, warned that it would be

"We must keep our nerves quiet ."

In general, Merkel stresses that her government "wants to continue limiting
Of the number of immigrants in Germany, "noting that this year's number has decreased
From 20% from 2017, while its peak reaches 900,000 asylum seekers in 2015

Bavarian Conservatives Oppose German Asylum Policy Since

Many voices can pbad from their constituent base to the extreme right-wing antisemitic
Emigration in the Bavarian Elections of October 14, 1965.

The Alternative Party for Anti-Islamic Germany and the Refugees
The federal parliament for the first time in its history last year amidst feelings of anti-immigration, Ma
Eventually led to the obstruction of government formation for about 6 months

Opinion polls suggest that the alternative for Germany may also enter
Bavarian Parliament in the autumn elections

But the confrontation strategy with Merkel has not produced a result so far
This helped push the Christian social union to enter into a settlement

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