"Metro": The train that derailed the lawn station is still in the "guarantee"


Nour Rashwan

Published on:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 4:16 pm
| Last update:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 4:16 pm

Ahmed Abdul Hadi, the official spokesman for the Metro company, said that "the train that derailed recently at the Al-Marg station was a Korean train and is still covered by the guarantee."
Al-Hadi, "in a phone interview for the program" Newsroom ", which is shown on Extra News, Wednesday night, that" immediately after the incident, we immediately went to Al-Marj and confirmed that two cars had derailed. "
He added that" the movement of the subway goes naturally from Helwan to Mitriya in both directions, and in one direction only from the rainforest to the Nakhl area ", in reference to the cessation of movement between the stations of Ezz.
"We have not yet concluded that the train has been disrupted and we are currently trying to restore the nature of the train, and then the causes of the accident will be studied."
The accident caused an accumulation in most stations, with excuses to the citizens for this accumulation.

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