Microsoft Launches New Skype Desktop Application


Microsoft today released version 8.0 of its application to Skype, replacing the previous version 7.0, also known as Skype Skype, according to the company, this version will not work here. September 1, 2018, This comes after the software giant has met the desire of users through the process of redesigning the application launched last year.

The company advances by introducing a number of new features to other platforms, including desktops. Features such as high definition video [HD] screen sharing during calls, chat support for users, multimedia gallery for conversations, file and media sharing up to 300 MB. [19659002] The company adds many features this summer, including call support Version 8.0 comes after the company has released an update of the Skype application on the desktop. last fall, focusing on upgrading visual elements of new design like color code in emoji emoticons and chat messages

This release also includes IM media gallery and sharing media of files, that the company describes today as new, but have already reached the users of workstations, although the Skype application has about 300 million users per month, L & # 39; s 39; ; applic ation was previously the most popular communication application, but it has been facing increasing competition over the years with applications such as FaceTime and other applications such as Messenger and WebSAP, as well as new ones. professional applications such as Slack.

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Microsoft has redesigned the application over the last year to better compete with other applications, introducing a number of social features that seem target the base of younger users, including its functionality similar to feature articles.

Desktops have customer-specific functions, with additional support for high definition video calls (1080 x 1920 pixels), which can include up to 24 people, as well as support for User reference in Twitter inspired conversations. [19659002MicrosoftthatSkypeobustendPlayerThiswasthatfiveithefunctionalityofaddressingfriendsoftheyourindustryofSkypevialesprofilesrelatingthegroupsofthegroupsethegroupsnotificationdesignsforconversationsappealsandotherfeatures

Voice messages in Skype, text messages and shared files such as image, audio and video files are secured using the standard Signal protocol. Messages and notifications will be also hidden in the encrypted conversations of the mailing list to preserve the confidentiality of contacts.

The built-in call recording feature, in which many Skype users use third-party supplemental calls, prompted Microsoft to formally integrate this feature into the app, with call recording being stored in the cloud and alerting everyone when recording. For privacy and for legal reasons.

According to Microsoft, recorded calls include videos and screens of all those who are present in the conversation. Skype version 8.0 will be available soon for iPad users who have features such as the mentioned messages, Customized Cat list and more Doat.

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