Minister of Agriculture of the Pan-African Conference: "If we were between Abdel Nasser and Mandela, they would be happy"


If the great African leaders Gamal Abdel Nbader and Nelson Mandela were here today, they would be very happy with this African gathering that works for one of the remarkable and remarkable areas of animal production, said the Minister of Agriculture, Ezzeddin Abusett. Pan-African Livestock, and wanted to usher in the three networks of cooperation between the countries of the African continent to empower women and youth and develop veterinary education to achieve these goals.

"The most important feature of this forum is the desire to turn the vision into realistic actions that serve livestock and the development of veterinary medicine, which is reflected in the conditions of livestock on the African continent ". The continent has a comparative advantage in production, which requires complementing this advantage in the development of veterinary systems as a tool for protection against epidemic diseases that threaten livestock with the participation of women and young people in Africa .

The Minister of Agriculture, that most arid or semi-arid lands of the Member States are subject to climatic conditions and are more suitable for animal production, despite the challenges of the sharp increase in the population, stressing that the livestock sector will remain this backbone, To solve the food security problems, the 2030 strategy is to promote livestock and investment in this important sector.

He emphasized that the performance of the sector is linked to an effective system of provision of veterinary services and protection of public health and the environment, and that cooperation with all organizations aims to put in place a good system of veterinary education. The OIE standard and the promotion of service delivery and the improvement of the high-level legislative school system improve the competitiveness of livestock products.

The Minister of Agriculture said that the launch of veterinary education links and networks, veterinary legislative councils and the network of youth and women would help strengthen the sector to ensure overall development Empowering women and activating the role of young people in livestock development, He stressed that this year will experience rapid growth as Emaar's youth has about 200 million people exploited for the African Economic Transition. towards a prosperous future.

The 2030 agricultural development strategy in Egypt prioritized young people and women and the target groups of public support, who are the backbone of the food chain and the creation of new opportunities. Employment for women and young people. And to inject new energies into the development of animal resources in the private and public sectors.

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