Minister of Education: Cancel the system of secondary education in 2020


On Saturday, President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi held a session of the "Strategy for the Development of Education" as part of the 6th National Youth Conference ("Innovation") held in Beijing. Cairo University.

Minister of Education and Technical Education Dr. Tarek Shawqi, Professor Walaa Nasari, teacher and pioneer of the first ideal at the level of the Republic of Aswan, Wahba Saad of the Presidential Youth Program for the rehabilitation of youth leadership, Ahmed Khalid I repeater general secondary science. The sixth national youth, who was titled (Esther The development of education), the presentation of a documentary film addressed the point of view of a number of citizens and 's. students on the new education system and the problems facing students.

Ahmed Khalid I saw the republic in high school Considering that the system of secondary education made education closed only on the curriculum.

Next, Tarek Shawki, Minister of Education and Technical Education, reviewed the mechanisms of development of the education system. And we are looking to deal with the intensity of the seasons. "

" Shawk "The distance between us and the outside world increases as a result of the development of educational programs."

"The 22 million students are moving," he said. "He stressed at the same time that the education system contains one million and 300,000 teachers.

I have cited the progress of education in Singapore, explaining that he has 720 thousand students only and 32,000 teachers and only Finland with one million students and 67,000 teachers (19659004) and types of schools. The Minister of Education and Education 39, Technical Education, Dr. Tareq Shawki, said: "The Ministry of Education and Technical Education," The majority of Egyptian schools are exempt from government and represent 68% of the total number of 39, schools in Egypt, private schools, especially languages ​​12%, experimental schools "languages" 1% and international schools less than 1% ".

" We aim to develop education in all public schools, and the focus will be on those who receive a quality education "The most im bearing of all is the weakness of the situation in the Egyptian identity and the belonging to the new generations ", he declared. Saying, "The original purpose of the new organization to have a real education and skill is real because we are all responsible for what happened to our children, both at the family level and at the same time. State that in the decisions taken in their law. "

In the international clbadification of the quality of education .. He explained that Egypt obtained in 2018 the status of 133 out of 137 in quality "Year after year, we lose about 700,000 students who enter universities without a good level of education." The general culture of current education seeks only clbad and total because it is the main motivation of parents. On their student children. "

Shawky asked: What do we want education in Egypt?" The Ministry of Education needs the family to work with them and to complete what They build. "It's a common responsibility for all."

A new educational system will be built in Egypt, such as Singapore, Korea, and Indonesia, which will begin this year for Egyptian children in September, he said. He pointed out that the educational product of the students of the old system will also be improved 004] Shawky has reviewed the ideas of the modern education system: "We are talking about two things: build the future and improve the present , improve the present is limited to the group of years ranging from second grade to high school. The Ministry of Education and Technical Education, Tariq Shawqi, said that the secondary education system will be abolished in 2020. The Ministry of Education and Education. Technical Education, Tareq Shawqi, will be abolished in 2020. 2021, stating that 50% of the current problems will be solved in the

With regard to improving the current situation in the education system, Shawky stressed that the Current school system puts great pressure on the Egyptian student, considering that it does not represent a real badessment of his level

. The fundamental change in the educational system is to change the way students' skills are measured and badimilated, noting that real change will focus on the idea of ​​dealing with memorization and memorization to maximize benefits and benefits. 39, student learning. Understanding and Understanding of Teaching Programs by Students, Not Conservation

Education Minister Tariq Shawqi said that we use technology to solve chronic problems in exams, explaining that the management of a national exam such as high school costs a billion dollars,

"We will change the form of exam questions with increased opportunities for examination, and there will have banks for questions to ask the exam questions. "

In response to a question whether the tablet Will be charged for certain fees or will be distributed free "Shawky" The table will be free and at the expense of the state on the advice of President Abdel Fattah Sisi.

He points out that the 2530 schools are connected to internal networks, and student tablets in addition to interactive screens in each of these schools. "Every school has access to fiber optics and 700 schools have been connected, pointing out that the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Communications are contributing to the provision of tablets."

He explains that the Internet is not necessary in the clbadroom. Get it back from the student and there will be full insurance for him, showing L.

Shawki noted that the world's most expensive product was chosen from among the tablets and that it would be between hands of 750,000 Egyptian families. "We want to save what can be saved and the certificate of education is significant,"

He pointed out that some countries like Finland have expressed their admiration for this technology in Egypt and want to apply that experience, and 25 ministers from education will come to Egypt next Monday to see this experience.] 19659004] Shawky thanked the president of Sisi for his faith in this goal, adding that: "The political leadership believes in a distinguished educational service for the world. Egyptian student. "

The Minister of Education noted that the books" Lights "and" student student "were purchased free of charge from elementary and secondary school students

.Supplying curricula and textbooks as well that the system of first-year secondary students, highlighting the Ministry's concern to provide digital sources of learning for all students in different years The educational system and its role in changing the method of use (19659004) He said that there will be more than 7,000 scientific films to explain the program within the new learning system online, pointing out that the online learning platform will offer the student different programs in a distinctive way. "

Shawky says that the Ministry of Education seeks to push the Egyptian student to understand and not to spare by providing all sources of learning, highlighting the Ministry's concern to fight the phenomenon of private lessons by new sources of education.Series of schools of applied technology, highlighting

The Minister of Education stressed that the coordination of students in technical education will see a different change by 2019, adding that technical education will depend on the willingness of the student to join.

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