Minister of Higher Education praises projects of college graduate students and media sections


Books – Hani al-Naqrashi:

Published on:
Thursday, July 12, 2018 – 6:33
| Last update:
Thursday, July 12, 2018 – 6:33

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Khalid Abdul Ghaffar, hailed the end-of-studies projects of students from departments and colleges of the media concerned with the rationalization of consumerism. 39 water and other national projects.

The ministry coordinated with all public and private Egyptian universities throughout the 2017-2018 academic year to take over the projects of media graduates in Egyptian academic projects and national issues in Egypt and to develop the consciousness of the community.

During the coming period, the Ministry of Higher Education plans to organize a large festival for end-of-course projects of faculties and departments of Egyptian universities interested in the projects. and national problems, including the rationalization of water consumption. And significant awards will be awarded to outstanding projects in this area according to evaluation of judging committees by experts and practitioners of academic media, in recognition of the efforts of students and faculty, encouraging them to continue to pay attention to national issues, by broadcasting outstanding graduation projects through public and private television channels to maximize their use.

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