"Ministers of Information": The more achievements there are, the more rumors are there to shake the citizen's trust


Mohammed Abdul Jalil

Published on:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 2:09 pm
| Last update:
Monday, July 23, 2018 – 2:09 pm

Dr. Na'm Saad Zaghloul, director of the Rumors Observatory at the Information and Decision Support Center of the Council of Ministers, said the Observatory deals with many daily rumors in coordination with the relevant state institutions. "During a phone call to the" dmc evening "program, broadcast by the" dmc "satellite, on Sunday, social media is the main source of rumors, which suggests a positive relationship between results and rumors It has shaken the confidence of the citizen.

reported that rumors particularly affect the areas that affect the lives of citizens, such as health and education.He explained that monitoring the common after the realization of some prevalence, then collecting all the information that belongs to them, then the answer is displayed, adding that the propagation of the response needs some effort to achieve the image Required

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