Ministers of Sports and Solidarity to drop Egyptian women's football players


The sunrise

Published on:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 18:34
| Last update:
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – 18:34

Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the International Movement of the Special Olympics (1968-2018) and illumination of the Salah El-Din El Ayoubi Castle, the Mountain Castle, the Mohammed Ali Mosque and the Ministry of Social Solidarity on July 20 in the evening The women's standard foot of the first world cup will be held in Chicago, USA from July 17 to 21.

Three important topics at the center of the press conference of the Ministry of Youth and Sports at the headquarters of the ministry in Mitta obstacle tomorrow Thursday at 20h, During which the announcement of the call The delegation Egyptian will be represented by Dr. Ashraf Subhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, Ghada Wali, Minister of Social Solidarity, Engineer Ayman Abdel Wahab, Regional President of the Special Olympics International Games, and Hani Mahmoud. The former Minister of Administrative Development and Communications, the President of the Egyptian Special Olympics, members of the Egyptian delegation and a number of public figures interested in the Special Olympic Movement.

The conference will discuss all the details of the participation of the World Cup football T and single women as well as events and activities that will be held by the major Balohtphalah Siqimha International Special Olympics in the celebration of the Jubilee. And the pbadage of fifty years on the beginning of the global humanitarian movement (1968-2018).

The press conference coincides with the announcement of Egypt's participation in the international media campaign launched by Special Olympics International to raise awareness among Olympic heroes of the issue of the social integration of the heroes of Egypt. Special Olympics through the light of more than 50 tour guides. To sensitize the community on the question of the integration of our intellectually handicapped children in their societies and the important role played by the Special Olympics Movement to change the life of the mentally handicapped and to sensitize the community Egypt will share the light of the ancient citadel of Saladin, (1965,900) 24 teams from around the world (16 male teams – 8 teams) from India, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador , France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Slovakia, the United Arab Emirates, Uruguay and the United States Have all qualified through regional competitions on the seven continents. South Korea

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