Mohammed Salah sends a message to Liverpool fans after renewal


Egyptian star Mohamed Salah sent a message to Liverpool fans Monday after renewing his contract with the Riddles for five years.

Mohamed Salah said in a video posted on Liverpool's official website, Twitter, "I am happy after signing a new contract with Liverpool, the first season of the team has been fantastic for me and my family , I thank all club members, I thank our fans and we can do a lot together. "

He is delighted to renew the contract with Mohamed Salah, the star of the Egyptian team for 5 years.

"I think this news clearly shows that it's a reward for someone who led and contributed mbadively to the team and the club last season, which clearly reflects his confidence in Liverpool and his confidence in him, "he said. "Salah reflects our position as a team, last season he was outstanding and gave a lot of special moments but we want more."

Mohamed Salah led Liverpool to the Champions League final on May 26 in Kiev against Real Madrid. Next to finish his career in the last edition of the League League The Premier League qualifies for the next edition of the Champions League.

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