Mohammed Sharaf and his suffering with the heartFind all his money to help Helmy and Hani


07/27 21:02

Pleased for his audience in many of his roles, and pleased their hearts, and although he was not listed in the list of stars in the front row, but he reached the popularity and wide audience

The artist Mohammed Sharaf died today, after a long fight against the disease at Al-Hayat hospital in Alexandria, of which he spoke during his last television interview. On the screen of "DMC", thanking all who stood near him and who did not stand in his illness, "I had a problem in the heart, and installed a device and lived the treatment, pointing out that he gave up Jamie

Sharaf pointed out that the artist Ashraf Zaki helped him a lot, after spending all his treatment on him. "Zaki Kalem Tarek Lotfi, Ahmad Hilmi, Haniidi and Ahmad Adam, and they helped me a lot. "

Sharaf concluded his speech" I live with the praise of our Lord, and with the simple work and performances that I have. appreciates. "

The artist, Mohammed Sharaf, died Friday at the age of 55 after his health deteriorated due to heart problems and shortness of breath.

NASA said that the total eclipse would take an hour, 42 minutes and 57 minutes. (19659003) The world is waiting for the longest astronomical phenomenon, the eclipse l unary or the bloody moon, which will last more than 100 minutes.

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